5 Tips to Make Email Marketing Work for You

Joren Communcations
4 min readApr 3, 2023


By Zintle Nkohla

A desk with a laptop written “e-mail marketing” on the screen.
Image sourced from Pixabay

More than 4 billion people around the globe are email users, making it a perfect reason for businesses to start investing in email marketing.

It is undeniable that social media is the most effective marketing strategy, but email marketing can also get you where you want to be if you know your stuff.

319,6 billion emails were exchanged worldwide in 2021, and this number is expected to increase to 347,3 billion in 2023, according to Statista. Marketers are also gunning for mobile-friendly emails these days.

A graph with e-mail marketing statistics.
Number of sent and received emails per day worldwide from 2017 to 2025 (Screenshot sourced from Statista)

Are you approaching your email marketing strategy the best way?

This blog will you let you in on a few tips to make email marketing work for you.

But first, here are three types of email campaigns you need to know about.

Welcome emails

This is the email that new subscribers receive when signing up for your newsletter. This email usually determines whether your new subscriber will enjoy receiving your emails. It’s so tricky because no one really likes marketing emails. HubSpot says more than 90% of welcome emails are open, but only 23% are read.

Newsletter emails

On the other hand, newsletters are a series of follow-up emails subscribers receive once they have added their emails to your email list. You can send these emails on a weekly or monthly basis. The purpose of the emails might be to convince a subscriber to buy your products or services or to read your blog.

Promotional emails

Promotional emails are for the sole purpose of promoting your services and products. You can send promotional emails to your subscribers to inform them about new or existing products or services.

Make Email Marketing Work for You

1. Craft emails that matter

Crafting emails that matter has to be one of the biggest challenges when it comes to email marketing. As we established prior, only a few welcome emails get opened, and when they are opened, no one reads them. With this in mind, you need to start being creative when crafting emails by writing them in a way that will make your subscribers feel like you are really talking to them. Quit writing emails that sound like they were written by a robot and incorporate a conversational tone to grab the reader’s attention.

2. Get to the point

Keep in mind what the point of the email is. In an attempt to connect to the reader, it’s easy to divert from the point you are trying to drive across them and end up babbling to the point where the reader doesn’t know what the email is about.

3. Write honest emails

Marketers tend to use tactics such as promising a free product or service. Then when subscribers perform the desired action, such as clicking on the link to the website where the products are listed, they find that they have to pay, whereas the email says otherwise. Do not be this kind of marketer. Be honest about your intentions with your customers.

4. Do not spam

Do not spam your customers’ inboxes with unsolicited emails. When your subscribers no longer want marketing emails from you, discontinue sending them immediately. In addition, make sure that the unsubscribe button is easy to find so subscribers who no longer wish to receive emails from you can unsubscribe without a hassle.

5. End with a call-to-action

Encourage your subscribers to reply to your emails, buy one of your products, or click a link to one of your articles. CTAs will not only help you with conversions and sales, but they will also help you know if anyone is actually reading your welcome emails, promotions, or newsletters.

A good CTA could also ask your readers to interact with your content. This is also an excellent way to determine if anyone is actually reading your emails.

Best Email Marketing Platforms

Some of the best and most popular email marketing platforms include the following:

  • Mailchimp
  • Campaign Monitor
  • ConvertKit
  • Constant Contact

According to Hubspot, Mailchimp services 11 million active customers and has an audience of 4 billion users.

It’s of utmost importance that you choose an email marketing platform to make things easy for you. These platforms come with so many perks, such as pre-built email templates, data analysis, subscriber list maintenance, a sign-up form you can post on your website, and A/B testing tools that will help you test different subject lines, design, content, and even send-times to determine what suits your audience.

Mailchimp also sends you customer journey reports so that you can send relevant emails to your customers. For example, for customers who have abandoned their carts, you can send them discounts or remind them they left stuff in their cart.

A page screenshot of a page from Mailchimp showing one of the e-mail marketing platform’s tools.
Image sourced from Mailchimp

Final Thoughts

With all that’s been said, do not give up on email marketing just yet. Write emails you would want to read and do yourself a huge favour by choosing an email marketing platform to make your job easy.

For information on the services Joren Digital offers, you can visit: https://joren.digital/about/ or contact info@jorencommunications.co.za



Joren Communcations

Digital Marketing Agency obsessed with adding value through creative marketing campaigns for businesses in South Africa.